KATHMANDU: Along with the growing population, the process of turning agricultural land into residential areas without proper roads and sewerage is a big problem.
As a result, narrow and curving roads are also full of potholes; there is a lack of open spaces and other community places, lack of public land for physical infrastructure such as sewerage and electricity lines, and the unmanaged development of cities in a haphazard way has started to become the hallmark of Nepal.
Because of the lack of managed urban infrastructure, large agricultural plots within the urban area are less useful. And, when it comes to small plots, curved, thin, and three-cornered plots are creating difficulties in urban development.
Although the government, local units, and consumers themselves are trying to get rid of such absurdity, those efforts are not effective due to various reasons.
The main reasons for this are:
1) Inadequate budget provided to the government’s concerned bodies who provide infrastructure
2) One-sided effort without mutual coordination of those concerned bodies
3) Inadequate budgets for local units
4) High urban land prices and rate of price increase
5) Land acquisition and road construction done in the traditional way will create a situation where some will benefit more and some will benefit less, and some will have to be deprived, making land acquisition seem less practical.
Only the government has the financial means to invest in infrastructure, particularly roads, sewers, and open spaces. Lack of arrangements for cost recovery from the beneficiaries
As our cities are chaotic, many people are forced to live urban lives by absorbing chaos, crowds, and garbage. But they have also started believing that cities are supposed to be chaotic, with crowds and garbage are thrown everywhere.
In this case, land consolidation is seen as a process that shows that, despite all the above-mentioned circumstances, a systematic and planned city can be developed through land consolidation.
This will benefit the following:
1) Land will be available for roads, sewers, open spaces, and other public places necessary for an organized city
2) Roads, sewers, and other infrastructure will be developed according to the level and proximity of those infrastructures in accordance with the needs of consumers at their own expense
3) By doing this, there will be no need to be deprived of infrastructure for now and then wait for external grants
4) Land will become more valuable and useful, increasing the number of good residential areas
5) In proportionate to the additional infrastructures, urban infrastructures as well as settlement development will be developed with the support given by the landowners
6) By selling the developed residential areas that have been set aside to recover part of the land contributed by the landowners.
7) Employment opportunities are available for local residents by investing in physical infrastructure development through the mobilization of local resources.
8) There will not be any adverse impact on the life and daily activities of the local community, because the local landowners will not have to move to other places during the construction work and simple activities can be carried out smoothly.
9) The entire project area will be thoroughly rezoned through de-cluttering to create a more efficient environment for future infrastructure development.
10) It controls the haphazard urban sprawl.
11) It transforms land that does not match into a square shape. It brings great improvements to the entire urban environment and standard of living, encourages the local people to participate in the development work and enhances the usefulness of the land as well as the importance of the entire area.
12) Consolidation of land on the basis of public participation is also always encouraged in the neighborhood.
Source: Land Pooling Reference Manual 2072