Nepal Purbadhar

शुक्रबार, साउन ११, २०८१
Friday, July 26, 2024

शुक्रबार, साउन ११, २०८१
Friday, July 26, 2024

Contractors make written commitments to complete projects on time

KATHMANDU: Contractors of various infrastructure projects with the lowest progress, have made written commitments to complete the concerned projects within the stipulated time maintaining the agreed quality. They made their commitment after the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Physical Infrastructure and Transport Narayan Kaji Shrestha expressed serious concern over the bleak performance of development projects.

Shrestha also instructed concerned construction companies to complete the task within the deadline and with desired quality. Inviting the contractor companies to the Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport on Monday, Shrestha urged them to expedite the construction process without any pretext.

 The North-South Commercial Route Expansion Project Directorate, the East-West Postal Highway Directorate, the Mid-Hill (Pushpalal) Highway Directorate, and some road sections under the Road Improvement and Development Project

Directorates are among the lowest-performing projects. At the meeting, the businessmen promised to speed up the project construction and demanded that the government resolve outstanding problems in the process of project implementation.

During the discussion, Deputy Prime Minister Shrestha took note of projects left in limbo all over the country and sought reasons behind such plights of the projects.  “Government is ready to resolve problems existing in the construction sector. But, at the same time the government also expects the better performance of the project once such problems are settled,” said Shrestha.

Construction entrepreneurs acquainted Shrestha with various problems facing this sector and made a written commitment to complete the work within the stipulated time maintaining specified quality.

Shrestha also instructed the head of the concerned directorate to conduct an inspection of those projects that are left in limbo.

A few weeks ago, there was a similar discussion about some of the lowest-performing projects and implementation of the projects was accelerated ever since.

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